Vitamin B1 (Thiaminpyrophosphate) HPLC Kit
Vitamin B1 (Thiaminpyrophosphate) HPLC Kit
Vitamin B1 (thiamin) is a watersoluble Vitamin, which consists of a pyrimidine- and thiazolring linked via a methylen bridge. It is sensitive against alkaline solution, oxidation and reduction.Vitamin B1 is produced by plants and microorganisms. It is found free, peptide bound and as phospho-esters (mono-, di- and triphospho-esters). In animals and also in humans it is necessary to be supplemented by food. The intake of thiamin in the gut is maintained by active transport and passive diffusion. The different phospho-esters are synthesized by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. The active form in metabolism is thiamin pyrophosphate and thiamin triphosphate in brain. After dephosphorylation thiamin is secreted by the kidney.Thiamin pyrophosphate plays an important role as a co-enzyme in carbohydrate- and amino acid metabolism. An important reaction is the oxidative carboxylation. Thiamin itself is required for stimulating nerve cells. Beside this, it stimulates the fatty acid- and cholesterol-synthesis in nervous tissues. A classical disease for the lack of Vitamin B1 is Beri Beri, which is known from asians eating predominantly white rice. The symptomes are paralysis, drop in muscle mass and heart failure. Other diseases are the Wernicke-encephalopathie, the Korsakow-syndrome and several forms of the Landry`s paralysis. Also many alcoholics have deficient thiamin status.